All Sardinian wines have an excellent quality due to the unique characteristics of the grapes, to the soil rich in particular minerals and to the exposure to the sun in our region for most of the year.
The following are some of the most important and well-known Sardinian wines:
Cannonau is a wine with an intense red colour which, with the ageing process, takes on orange tones; its smell is characteristic, its flavour intense and full.
The origin of the Cannonau goes back to the dawn of time. Many scholars agree in dating back the origin of the Cannonau to the nuragic era; others believe, instead, that it was imported by Spanish (the original name would have been Canonanzo of Seville).
The Semidano is a white wine with a fruity scent and a round and fresh flavor.
During the Byzantine period, the Benedictine monks brought this vine to Sardinia, where the white variety is still currently cultivated.
There are three different types of Moscato, according to the areas of production: Moscato di Cagliari, Moscato di Sorso-Sennori, Moscato di Sardegna.
Monica of Cagliari is a red wine and has two varieties: Natural Sweet and Liqueur Natural Sweet
Monica of Sardinia is a dry or lightly amiable with a characteristic flavor which distinguishes it. Spanish imported it during the eighteenth century with the name of “Morillo”, later named “Mora” until the Italian “Monica”.
With a bright color, has a delicate and pleasant scent, a fresh and lightly acidulous flavor. It really is the king of white Sardinian wines, multi-awarded on national and international field.
It is also produced in the Spumante variety (sparkling wine).
The origin of Vermentino can be traced back to Corsica from where it was likely imported in early nineteenth century.
The wine is produced by an old and fertile Sardinian vine, introduced by the ancient Phoenician seafarers and used to decorate the nuraghe.
This wine is of Spanish origin but of great diffusion at the time of the Savoy dominion. The color is light ruby and bright, the scent is delicate with a smell of fresh grapes, the flavor is delicate and velvety.
The Malvasia is a white wine that arrived in Sardinia thanks to Benedictine monks who imported it at the time of the Byzantine dominion, from the city of Monembasia which is in Greece, in the region of Morea.
It is believed that the Nasco is a native vine, even if we have certain testimony of its existence in the historical period characterized by the presence of Genoese and people from Pisa on the island.
It's a wine with a golden amber color and a delicate scent.
Ancient wine whose origin goes back to the Phoenician-Punic dominion, which comprehends the varieties Red, Reserve, Superior, Rose and New.
If you want to explore and know better the Sardinian wines, don't miss our course Italian & Wines!